In order to skip to a certain time of the day for various ambiences for your interest while you are playing Far Cry 5, follow this guide. The game ends with the lawmen walking away from the cult, and the credits roll shortly after. After about a minute or two of waiting, the sheriff with the great mustache will poke his head into the frame and tell everyone to give up and just go home. Keep waiting while your partners shout at you to just put the handcuffs on. If you want to see the alternate ending, don’t press the button. Once inside, players will be prompted to press X to handcuff Joseph Seed. Take a look at the sheer number of Operations players need to complete in order to finish the game.The Far Cry 5 secret ending can be unlocked once players enter the cultists’ church during the opening sequence. Other Far Cry 6 launch day coverage includes a full list of all story missions.
Disabling the effects in the Vision menu will make occasions where your characters is poisoned or drunk much easier to deal with. Disable “Camera Shakes” in the Vision menu to make it easier to see under intense encounters like car chases and gunfights where there are lots of explosions. Aiming assists like enabling “Lock-on Aim” and setting the “Lock-on Duration” to 100 in the Vision menu will make it much easier to keep enemies in your sights. Make aiming easier by turning off Reticle Sway under the Vision options. This will greatly increase your chances of getting all items in an area, including collectibles and ammo. This will highlight any objects in the environment that the player can collect. To see items you can pick up more easier, enable the “Pickup Outline” option in the Vision menu. Enable the “Enemy Outline” option in the Vision menu to put an outline around enemy combatants. While the game’s accessibility options are primarily aimed at helping disabled people, which is fantastic to see, they can also be used by anyone to make Far Cry 6 easier. This makes it easier to spot enemies and interactable objects. There are Far Cry 6 cheats, which allow players to see enemy outlines and item pickups.